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How do I get a job with no experience?

Last Updated: 21.07.21

by Alan

Two colleagues at work

You’re a student or graduate at the start of your career and busy looking for graduate jobs, but already it feels like you’re caught in a Catch-22 situation: you can’t get a job with no experience, but you can’t get experience without being hired. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of gainfully employed experts only too willing to tell you what to do. Take a quick Google search and you’ll find reams of advice on how to make your first move into employment when you have no experience. Usually their suggestions follow something along these lines:

  • Target realistic roles
  • Send out speculative applications
  • Highlight academic experience as much as possible
  • Look for internships, work experience and volunteering opportunities
  • Search for jobs with no experience needed
  • Develop your networks
  • Stay busy and resilient

Know thyself

All of the above points may be useful and well-intentioned, and they’ll certainly keep you busy, but they tend towards a scatter-gun approach and they miss one absolutely essential point. And it’s this: as a student or graduate, the starting point for employability is for is to get to know yourself, in particular your personality traits and strengths, as well as your cognitive abilities. Because without this knowledge you will be unable to truly understand yourself, you won’t be in a position to identify where to focus your future development, nor will you be in a position to frame meaningful conversations with prospective employers.

You see, there has been a significant and progressive shift by employers to hire for personality and potential, not pedigree. And that shift has rendered the outdated, randomly-formatted resume virtually redundant, because not only does it usually sit forlornly on some vacuous job board, unsearched and unsearchable, but also because it says absolutely nothing about your greatest attributes – your personality and your potential. Fortunately there is an alternative to the traditional CV/resume/job board approach. .And if followed rigorously, it’s a sure-fire way to get your foot on the employment ladder. All that is required is some effort, honesty and open mindedness.

Enter PeopleHawk, a members-only People Platform that is revolutionising the candidate experience.

PeopleHawk: How to Get a job with no experience

A PeopleHawk profile enable you to quickly catalogue and grade your career assets throughout your studies and access scientifically-backed guides on your personality, work style and cognitive abilities, allowing you to discover, connect and inspire potential employers like never before. 

You can even record and deliver a video-recorded elevator pitch and a structured digital interview that employers can view, right up front. What is more, you can use your unique PeopleHawk digital profile to engage directly with colleagues, influencers and employers, and make use of PeopleHawk’s ‘one-click’ job application feature to apply for positions with leading employers. This means hiring managers get your full PeopleHawk profile immediately, replacing the outdated application form and resume process.

This is how you can get a job with no experience

Students and graduates love PeopleHawk because it enables them to take confident action and make deliberate career choices that draw on their own values, strengths and talents to support career. Above all, they love PeopleHawk because they get a digital profile like this. So go on, what’s keeping you?

Join PeopleHawk free today.

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